For Parents

The Intentional Birth 9-Month Membership

Get the complete on-demand Intentional Birth video modules and resources, join twice-monthly live group mentoring sessions with Meredith & Alicia, and connect with a supportive community of like-minded parents. Plus, enjoy the flexibility of extending your membership if needed. Join us on this powerful journey toward a positive birthing experience.

Click the button below to discover how this program can support your pregnancy and birth!

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For Birth Workers

The Birth Worker License of Intentional Birth CBE

Seamlessly integrate the Intentional Birth parent program into your client packages, making your job easier. You'll receive a $200 discount on the Intentional Birth program for your client, who will enjoy 9 months of access to:

  • On-demand videos: 12 robust modules with a physiology-first focus, preparing clients for alternative birth options and centered advocacy.
  • Live twice-monthly mentoring sessions with Meredith & Alicia, and other program participants.
  • Categorized links to studies, podcasts, videos, articles, and stories on every birth-related subject.
  • Permanent access to our 200-page signature workbook. Featuring templates, prompts, strategies, playbooks, and planning guides.

On-demand videos: 12 robust modules with a physiology-first focus, preparing clients for alternative birth options and centered advocacy.

Categorized links to studies, podcasts, videos, articles, and stories on every birth-related subject.

Live twice-monthly mentoring sessions with Meredith & Alicia, and other program participants.

Permanent access to our 200-page signature workbook. Featuring templates, prompts, strategies, playbooks, and planning guides.

On-demand videos: 12 robust modules with a physiology-first focus, preparing clients for alternative birth options and centered advocacy.

Live twice-monthly mentoring sessions with Meredith & Alicia, and other program participants.

Categorized links to studies, podcasts, videos, articles, and stories on every birth-related subject.

Permanent access to our 200-page signature workbook. Featuring templates, prompts, strategies, playbooks, and planning guides.

Here’s How It Works!

  1. Purchase a license for each client here (link to checkout). You’ll input their name and email and we’ll take care of them!
  2. Write off your purchases on your taxes as a business expense.
  3. Wrap your purchase into your client’s package price. Everyone loves a quality one-stop shop!
  4. Your client will have immediate access to all our materials, and receive invites to our twice monthly live mentoring sessions.
  5. Follow along with your client using our companion guide, assisting you in crafting intentional prenatal visits. It's streamlined and systematic, and perfectly customizable.

Are you a member of the IB Community? Then you get an additional $50 off every time you purchase a license! Check it out here.

Purchase Now

Here’s How It Works!

Doulas and midwives are wrapping the IB program into their client packages, for a total win-win!


Purchase a license for each client here. You’ll input their name and email and we’ll take care of them!


Write off your purchases on your taxes as a business expense.


Wrap your purchase into your client’s package price. Everyone loves a quality one-stop shop!


Your client will have immediate access to all our materials, and receive invites to our twice monthly live mentoring sessions.


Follow along with your client using our companion guide, assisting you in crafting intentional prenatal visits. It's streamlined and systematic, and perfectly customizable.

Are you a member of the IB Community? Then you get an additional $50 off every time you purchase a license! Check it out here.

Purchase Now
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Discover Our Program

Get a free preview now, or unlock the full experience by joining our community for a month.

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Module 1: Core Values

Taking ownership of your birth

Personal responsibility

The "Physiology First" model

Know your values

Module 2: Physiologic Birth

Embracing all possibilities

Stages of birth

Anatomy + physiology


Undisturbed birth

Loss + Grief

Module 3: Birth Place + Team

Choosing a birth place

Choosing a provider

Evidence-based care

The doula’s role

Module 4: Body + Mind


Optimal fetal positioning


Preventing common complications

Brain training

Module 5: Advocacy

Birth rights


Informed decision making

Module 6: Birth Planning

The most effective birth plan process

Understanding options

Routine interventions: risks + benefits

Newborn procedures

Module 7: Preparing for the Unexpected

Preventing unnecessary induction

Gentl(er) induction options

Pain medication

Gentle cesarean

Module 8: Labor + Birth

What to do during labor

Comfort measures

“Pushing” + preventing tearing

Tips + tricks for partners

Module 9: Immediate Postpartum

A peaceful welcome

Placental birth

Preventing hemorrhage

Instinctive breastfeeding

Module 10: Stay Intentional

Common hijackers of normal birth

Navigating end of pregnancy decisions

Module 11: The 4th Trimester

Postpartum healing

Life with a newborn


Module 12: Birth Stories

Real women sharing real birth stories

How does the CBE license work?

Doulas and midwives are wrapping the IB program into their client packages, for a total win-win!

  • Clients save money on the program, and also get the best possible childbirth education in connection with your services. Everyone loves a quality one-stop-shop!
  • Birth workers don't pay a cent: they get a $200 discount each time they license the program, but can charge their clients whatever they want for it as a part of their services. (Psst... if you are a member of our professional Community, you can get an even better deal, plus tons of education and support for yourself!)
  • We provide a companion guide for doulas and midwives, outlining the program assignments for your clients and the corresponding points to cover in your private prenatals. It's streamlined and systematic, and perfectly customizable.
  • Purchase a license for each client here (link to checkout). You’ll input their name and email and we’ll take care of them!
  • Write off your purchases on your taxes as a business expense.
  • Wrap your purchase into your client’s package price. Everyone loves a quality one-stop shop!
  • Your client will have immediate access to all our materials, and receive invites to our twice monthly live mentoring sessions.
  • Follow along with your client using our companion guide, assisting you in crafting intentional prenatal visits. It's streamlined and systematic, and perfectly customizable.

Hear from the Birth Workers

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"This approach is helping me feel I have a team and I’m not alone in my efforts. I’m so glad I decided to add this course to my birth package. It feels safer, less daunting and chaotic, to accompany people on their birth paths who are prepared and knowledgeable. I can’t thank you enough."

Alice Adams


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"I watched every module of this course and I can say that Intentional Birth 100% encompasses its name. This class series helps woman/pregnant people to understand, embrace and claim their birth power like no other curriculum I’ve ever seen before."

Heather Ward

Birth Doula & Educator of 20+ years

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"I find that parents own their birth experience! There is no blame, and I am witnessing less trauma, absolutely! Another benefit is I attend births that are no longer 30, 40 or 50 hours of support: families help me come in when they are ready, but Intentional Birth has prepared them to really connect deeply with their birth partner. They are able to connect and create a wonderful bond!"

Mari Freitas

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Hear from the Birth Workers

"This approach is helping me feel I have a team and I’m not alone in my efforts. I’m so glad I decided to add this course to my birth package. It feels safer, less daunting and chaotic, to accompany people on their birth paths who are prepared and knowledgeable. I can’t thank you enough."

Alice Adams


"I watched every module of this course and I can say that Intentional Birth 100% encompasses its name. This class series helps woman/pregnant people to understand, embrace and claim their birth power like no other curriculum I’ve ever seen before."

Heather Ward

Birth Doula & Educator of 20+ years

"I find that parents own their birth experience! There is no blame, and I am witnessing less trauma, absolutely! Another benefit is I attend births that are no longer 30, 40 or 50 hours of support: families help me come in when they are ready, but Intentional Birth has prepared them to really connect deeply with their birth partner. They are able to connect and create a wonderful bond!"

Mari Freitas
Birth doula of 15 years

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Hear from the Parents

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"The Intentional birth course completely changed my views about birth. Before the course, I was hoping for a VBAC in the hospital but had a lot of fear and honestly doubt in regards to my body’s ability to have a VBAC, and even though I loved the idea of a home birth, I thought it would be impossible for me. Working through the Intentional Birth course opened up eyes to not only the possibility of a home birth, but also gave me 100% confidence in my body’s ability to have a physiologic birth and make an informed decision for myself. Every single question or fear I had was addressed in the course. As I progressed through the course, my excitement and preparation for birth just continued to grow. By the end of the course, I knew that my body would do what it needed to do to have the VBAC I so badly wanted. I ended up transferring to the hospital after my home birth due to a hemorrhage. The knowledge I gained from the course allowed me to advocate for myself during my hospital stay. I knew exactly which interventions I wanted and didn’t want and felt the freedom and confidence to make the decisions that I felt were best for me. I would not have been able to have the empowering home birth I had without the Intentional Birth course."

Katie Osterlund


I would absolutely recommend it, without any hesitation. Intentional Birth helped me have a successful VBAC, with all my labor in my own home. It helped me make my own informed decisions and to stick to those - and to feel confident when they changed in the moment.

Holly Good


Truly appreciate the course and the webinars, they have given me so many tools to not only make informed decisions for myself but feel confident in them as I get barraged by everyone else who can't quite grasp the concept of giving birth without an epidural, much less out of the hospital.

Merritt Small


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