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2 Days of Training

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Hands-on Materials

Want to
Strengthen Your Voice
in Birth Advocacy?

When your voice isn’t heard in the birthing room, crucial support for families can be overlooked, leaving you feeling ineffective and lost. Effective communication and advocacy skills are often missing from basic birth worker trainings, leading to significant challenges for both families and professionals. By attending our advocacy training, you’ll find your voice, learn to navigate the middle road between silence and aggression, and become a stronger advocate equipped with essential tools and hands-on practice to make an impact for the families you support.

Learn Advocacy
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Stop Trauma In Its Tracks

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Expand Your Toolbox

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Get Comfortable Through Practice

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Understand the Hospital. Know the Law.

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Feel Like a Leader

Envision yourself as a skilled patient advocate.

Learn The Tools

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Hone Your Skills

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Advocate for your Clients

What’s included in your ticket:

  • Two full days of training
  • Role-playing sessions with seasoned pros
  • Life-changing advocacy tools
  • A value-packed workbook and birth bag flashcards
  • Connection with a visionary community of advocates

   *This ticket does not include lodging or travel. Catered lunches will be an optional add-on at checkout!

Register Now

Unable to Retreat with us in Georgia?

Check out all of our upcoming Trainings

We're Ready to Meet You in Person!

Join Our Waitlist

Evanston, IL: March 14-15, 2025

(Tickets available HERE)

Bellingham, WA: April 11-12, 2025

(Tickets available HERE)

Dallas, TX: May 9-10, 2025

(Tickets available HERE)

Colorado Springs, CO: June 13-14, 2025

(Tickets available HERE)

Manchester, UK: July 18-19, 2025

(Tickets available HERE)

Berkeley, CA: August 1-2, 2025

(Tickets available HERE)

San Diego, CA: August 4-5, 2025

(Tickets available HERE)

San Clemente, CA: August 8-9, 2025

(Tickets available HERE)

Success Stories from Past Attendees

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“This retreat was more than I could have ever imagined. Being a doula for 8 years, I was skeptical if I was going to get anything out of it and I'm overjoyed to say this might have been one of the most pivotal trainings I've done thus far in my career. It was a safe space to learn and share plus I felt uber safe with Alicia & Meredith. It was also awesome to see how other doulas, midwives and L&D nurses practice within the medical system. This retreat not only improved my confidence, but also help create stronger bonds within our team! We walked away with massive takeaway points, new ways to prepare our clients and sharpened skills of birth room advocacy!”

HeHe Stewart

Doula and Educator

“This retreat was more than I could have ever imagined. Being a doula for 8 years, I was skeptical if I was going to get anything out of it and I'm overjoyed to say this might have been one of the most pivotal trainings I've done thus far in my career. It was a safe space to learn and share plus I felt uber safe with Alicia & Meredith. It was also awesome to see how other doulas, midwives and L&D nurses practice within the medical system. This retreat not only improved my confidence, but also help create stronger bonds within our team! We walked away with massive takeaway points, new ways to prepare our clients and sharpened skills of birth room advocacy!”

The Advocacy Retreat up-leveled my doula skills, even after being in the field for over 15 years. The clarity of tools and phrases to practice and have the parents use if needed, will make my prenatal visits much more effective, and my presence in the birth room much less overwhelming. It was also an incredible opportunity to connect with other birth professionals. I’m so glad I listened to that little voice inside that shouted “you have to go to this!”

Jenna Wilson
Midwife + doula

“This retreat was more than I could have ever imagined. Being a doula for 8 years, I was skeptical if I was going to get anything out of it and I'm overjoyed to say this might have been one of the most pivotal trainings I've done thus far in my career. It was a safe space to learn and share plus I felt uber safe with Alicia & Meredith. It was also awesome to see how other doulas, midwives and L&D nurses practice within the medical system. This retreat not only improved my confidence, but also help create stronger bonds within our team! We walked away with massive takeaway points, new ways to prepare our clients and sharpened skills of birth room advocacy!”

After witnessing countless traumatic moments at hospital births and feeling stifled in my advocacy efforts, I knew I needed a shift but didn’t know where to turn. This two-day training exceeded my expectations with rich discussions, role plays, and invaluable tools. The meticulous workbook they provided transformed how I will educate and prepare my clients. Intentional Birth helped me rediscover my power, understand my voice as an advocate, and grounded me in my role in the birthing room! Every doula should have access to this transformative training!

Evonna Christmon Marshall

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Alicia Fishbein

Meredith Nelson

Meet Alicia Fishbein and Meredith Nelson

We are board-certified patient advocates, seasoned advocate-doulas, and the founders of Intentional Birth and of the Perinatal Patient Advocacy Center.

When we attended our original doula trainings, we were taught not to speak up on our clients' behalf. Don't rock the boat. Doulas don't advocate. Smile and nod at care providers. Then we began attending births, and we realized that our clients were walking away feeling powerless and traumatized (we were, too). We knew there was a bigger role for us to play.

More than a dozen years later, we are transformed (though there is no final destination in this work). We have confidence-building strategies, detailed systems for educating and preparing our clients, and a whole tool bag of incredible communication and advocacy tools. We want to share it all with you!

Learn more about Meredith & Alicia